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Hello there, Welcome to my blog. I created this blog for one of my modules in school. Feel free to comment on my works. Cheers!

Subha:) I am Subha. I am a 2nd year Design student and I aspire to do directing in the future. I am majoring in video in Temasek Polytechnic and I am passionate about design and I am energetic, fun loving person who thrives on challenge.

EMAIL subha_1@msn.com

BRUSHES. 1 2 3 4 5
BY. shotgun
MISC. imageshack blogger

September 2007

His Style

My Works



Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Fusion


Time wait for no men, it is so unpredictable. It brings sometimes intense joy and then there are time where it bring such pain that could pierce one's heart. How do we all wish we can control time and stop it. How do we all wish at one point in life that we can hold onto time so that we can go back to time when life was all so gleeful and perfect. How do we all wish we can do that? That is what my art piece is portraying. It shows a girl holding to clock that has got no hands which symbolizes the unpredictability of time.She is desperate to stop and hold time because she is afraid of the pain and sorrow she has to go through in life. She is trying to relive the moments where life was so beautiful.The background represents the four seasons like Winter, Autumn , Summer and Spring . These seasons are the metaphors of the phases in life we go through.

How did i infuse Rene Magritte's style?

He uses mundane objects and place them in a way that it becomes a focal point and i used the clock and i covered the face of the girl to evoke one curiosity as these are Rene's style.

How did i infuse my style?

Since i like colours , Iplayed with the colours to bring the best out of the picture. I also played with brush strokes and added textures the picture and I used Photography as a medium instead of painting .


This is my very rough sketch. It was an spontaneous idea so I drew at the minute and therefore it very sketchy and unclear. Since i had a vivid idea on how the picture is going to be , I just proceed on with the Photo shoot without doing anymore sketches.

I took a lot picture in various angle and finally i was satisfied with this.

I crop out the background, brighten the clock and added the hair flying effect.I also tried to get rid of the reflection in the clock but, i was not too successful with that.

I removed the wordings and the hands of the clock. Later i grey scale the girl's body emphasis on the clock.I also play with filter tool and added effect to the picture and did some other minor adjustment .

Finally , i added background, and played with the filter tool in Photoshop to get the desired effect.

My style

If there is one word to describe my design, it would be simplicity. My designs are simple yet tasteful. I don’t like designs that too artsy and look-at-me cool that no one can figure out how to get around. I believe a good design is something which reflects the personality of the designer. I am a simpleton and therefore my designs are not complicated or over the top.

I like to explore with textures and you can see that in some of my work like in the collage. I have a good eye for colour, and so I like exploring with colours in my designs. I am also like to crate a design that sends a message and make people think and in my painting i play with strokes to achieve a unique look like in my character design painting. Though, I feel that my design pieces are not too perfect or neat but for me I am able to see a beauty in imperfection. But does not mean my works are incomplete. I pay attention to details and the style of my designs, and to me I feel that my designs are unique.

These are some of my works. Hope you enjoy :)

Collage Ideation one

This collage signifies femininity.I added feminine colours like aqua blue, shades of pink and lavender purple an add a final feminine touch i used pictures of female products like lipsticks etc.

Collage, Ideation one

This collage signifies masculinity. Therefore, i used colours like navy blue and shades of brown. If you looked carefully, you can see at the bottom right hand corner , there is a beer mug. It reinforces the word masculinity subtly.

Collage, Ideation one

The theme for this collage is Cheerful and therefore it is really bright in colour. According to a research I made, I realized that bright yellow and pink brightens up ones character.

Greeting card, DM Fundementals

I created this greeting with bright colours as i believe Christmas is a joyous time and I symbolised the joys and cheerfulness with bright, eye-catching colours.

Character designing, Ideation one

I had to use the words, flying, pig and furry and had to come with character and its environment. As you can see I came up with flying pigs living in a hilly area with lots of colours.

I like to use a lot of strokes in painting to crate textures. I used cotton buds on the pig to symbolize its furs.


As i always use a lot of colours in my work ,I decided to grey scale this picture taken at the Botanical Garden.


I liked the aesthetic look of this picture and I adjusted the colour to get the desired effect in Photoshop.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Brief Introduction

Hello, i am doing on René Magritte. I am really inspired by his work because i think they are magnificent .Magritte is a famous surreal Belgian artist . A consummate technician, his work frequently displays a juxtaposition of ordinary objects in an unusual context, giving new meanings to familiar things.

His style

René Magritte was an artist who took mundane objects, pulled them through his imagination and forced them out the other side in such unreal combinations and relationships that they could cause the viewer to question the very nature of reality. He painted objects with an almost photographic accuracy but placed them in unreal relation to one another. By using only familiar objects but bringing them together in such unreal ways, Magritte was able to create something unfamiliar and startling. His works were efforts to overthrow the sense of the familiar. He was one of the greats of the Surrealist movement and a maker of visual puzzles which never fail to provoke thought in the viewer.

Quotable words
"My painting is visible images which conceal nothing; they evoke mystery and, indeed, when one sees one of my pictures, one asks oneself this simple question 'What does that mean'? It does not mean anything, because mystery means nothing either, it is unknowable." - René Magritte

"Art evokes the mystery without which the world would not exist". - René Magritte

These are some of his painting.

The son of a Man,1964

These one of my favourite paintings. Does it seem familiar? It was immortalized in the movie, "The Thomas Crown Affair," and by The Beatles' Apple Records logo, which was designed to resemble the one in Magritte's painting. Magritte like to often blocked his subject's face with a suspended object to evoke the viewers curiosity . Another reason would be that when he was a child, his beloved mother committed suicide by leaping from a bridge and drowned herself. When young René awoke searched for her. He found her body floating in the stream with her face covered with her nightgown. The impact this had on his art becomes apparent in the many works in which he painted his subjects' faces covered with cloth. One such painting is The Lover.

The lovers

Personal Values 1952

Golconde, 1953

L'Homme au Chapeau Melon

The Rape1934

The listening room,1952

Surprise Answer


His works can be deceptively simple at first glance but his work has philosophical meaning which corresponds to many social and intellectual trends of the twentieth century.

